
…newly diagnosed immune thrombocytopenia – a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Haematologica 2018;103(1):163-171. Mithoowani S, Gregory-Miller K, Goy J, et al. High-dose dexamethasone compared with prednisone for previously untreated primary…

…voor ASCT: NEOD001 studie (AFFRIM-AL): stadium IV AL-Amyloïdose: (Dara)-CyBorD +/- Birtamimab (=monoklonale antistof tegen amyloid) CAEL 101: 301 en 302 ; stadium IIIA resp. III B AL Amyloïdose: (Dara)-CyBorD +/-…

AIHA, aplastische anemie (AA) en PNH Platform Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten biedt informatie over: HX, CDA, HES, TTP, AIHA, DBA, HS, PKD, HE en HPP Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten (SZB) Tel. (06)…

toxicity and excellent outcomes in a 10-year analysis. British Journal of Haematology 2007; 137(6):545-552. Nangalia J, Smith H, Wimperis JZ. Isolated neutropenia during ABVD chemotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma does not…

…Involved field radiotherapy for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2396-2406 Josting, A. C. Rudolph, M. Mapara, et al. Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma:…

…Overerveringspatroon X-gebonden protoporfyrie ALAS2 Cutaan X-chromosoom gebonden ADP = ALAD-deficiëntie-porfyrie ALA-dehydratase (ALAD) Acuut Autosomaal recessief AIP = Acute intermitterende porfyrie PBG-deaminase (PBGD) Acuut Autosomaal dominant CEP = Congenitale erytropoëtische porfyrie…

…M, Rule S, Salles G, Vitolo U, Ladetto M, ESMO Guidelines Committee. Newly diagnosed and relapsed follicular lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2016;…

and clinical implementation of therapeutics, as well as screening of unique patient data sets/biobanks to drive research in a bedside-to-bench and back manner. Indeed, our research efforts hinge on a…

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